If you're not completely satisfied with your order, we're happy to offer a refund for products returned within 60 days of the original purchase date.
To initiate a return:
- Log in to your account and select My Orders.
- Select the order with the item(s) you want to return, click View Order and then the Return link at the top right.
- Complete the Return Form. Specify which product(s) you want to return and why.
- Click the Submit button.
A representative will process your request and email you with details on how to return the item(s).
If you do not have an account:
- Return your items with a copy of your invoice in a prepaid parcel using an insured carrier.
- Fill in your return address and order number on the Return Label (included with your order). Attach the label to the box securely, covering it with clear packing tape.
PLEASE NOTE: If your order arrived damaged, contact us right away at 800.DHC.CARE (342.2273) or Please retain the original packaging materials so that we may investigate.
DHC cannot accept any returns for purchases made at any retail location or third party. Retail locations and third parties can’t accept returns for purchases made through our website.
When returning items on which you received a discount/offer, that discount/offer will no longer apply if you fall below the discount/offer threshold.
Original shipping charges will not be refunded.